Friday, January 31, 2020

Submit ALL but Unit by Unit Assessment in a Single Folder / Files

Please Share your all Units; put all files in single Folder or File web link only, In Comment box below including your Name & URL.

Your are Suppose to write all question answer of previous question 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 ( Old & New Course)

Thursday, January 30, 2020



Software Engineering

Wintersemester 18/19

Verantworlich Dr. Michael Eichberg
Forum der Fachschaft der Informatik zu Software Engineering

Wintersemester 15/16

Externe Vorträge (Teil von SE)
  • 26.11.2015 - Herr S. Merten; Agile Project - A Reality Check
  • 17.12.2015 - Herr O. Hakim; Requirements Engineering
  • 14.1.2016 - Herr F. Sennhenn; DB Netz AG - Auf dem Weg zur digitalen Infrastruktur Inhalt: Nach einem kurzen Überblick über die DB Netz AG und das Leistungsspektrum das selbige erbringt, wird Herr Sennhenn die Bedeutung der Digitalisierung für DB Netz herausstellen. Anhand konkreter Beispiele wird er dann aufzeigen welche konkreten Schritte und Initiativen die DB Netz auf dem Weg zur digitalen Infrastruktur aktuell vorantreibt. Herr Sennhenn wird dabei auch auf die speziellen Anforderungen an die Softwareentwicklung sowie an Safety/Security eingehen. Vita: Frank Sennhenn (51) studierte Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg und begann seinen beruflichen Werdegang bei der AGIV Aktiengesellschaft für Industrie und Verkehrswesen. Zwischen 1992 und 2000 war Sennhenn für die DEG-Verkehrs-GmbH als Bereichsleiter tätig. 2000 wechselte er zur DB Regio AG als Leiter der Organisationseinheit Geschäftsentwicklung und Projektleiter Sanierung Regio. 2003 wurde er zum Vorstand Produktion der DB Regio AG berufen. Von Juni 2009 bis April 2013 war er Vorsitzender des Vorstandes der DB Regio AG. Seit Mai 2013 ist er Vorstandsvorsitzender der DB Netz AG.
Weitere Externe Vorträge (mit direktem Bezug zu SE)
  • Dr.-Ing. Christof Leng ist ein Site Reliability Engineer in Google’s europaeischen Hauptquartier in Dublin und Mitglied des Mesa-Teams. Er hat an der TU Darmstadt studiert und ueber Replikation in Peer-to-Peer-System promoviert. Nach einem Postdoc-Aufenthalt am International Computer Science Institute und im Big Data Lab der University of California Berkeley ist er seit 2014 bei Google. Christof Leng ist Vizepraesident der Gesellschaft fuer Informatik und war Bundesvorsitzender der Piratenpartei.
    • 13.11.2015, 11:30 in S101/A02 (bzw. S101/A03) - Herr Dr. C. Leng; Site Reliability Engineering
    • 13.11.2015, 12:30 in S101/A02 (bzw. S101/A03) - Herr Dr. C. Leng; Bring Questions, Build Answers - Your Career at Google

Wintersemester 14/15


Wintersemester 11/12

Die folgenden Folien dienen lediglich als Referenz:

Draw the system sequence diagram for process sale scenario.

Draw the system sequence diagram for process sale scenario.

CASE STUDY: Retail Store Management System

Construct a design element for Point of sale terminal management system that can be used for buying and selling of goods in the retail shop.

When the customer arrives at the post check point with the items to purchase. The cashier records each item, price and adds the item information to the running sales transaction. The description and price of the current item are displayed. On completion of the item entry the cashier informs the sales total and tax to the customer. The customer chooses payment type (cash, cheque, credit or debit).After the payment is made the system generates a receipt and automatically updates the inventory. The cashier handovers the receipt to the customer.

USE Case Diagram:-

Use Case Diagram for Point Of Sale Terminal

Activity Diagram :-Sale Transaction

Class Diagram: 

State Chart Diagram

Sequence Diagram:-

Collaboration Diagram:- 

Deployment Diagram:-

Component Diagram:-

Draw the state transition diagram of Telephone Line System with proper explanation.

Draw the interaction diagram for” Renew of book use case in library system.”

Library Management System

Library Management System
Read the following documents/reports to understand the problem statement, requirements and other necessary things related to the Library Management Application: Doc1, Doc2, Doc3, Doc4, Doc5, Doc6

Use case diagram

library management system use case diagram

Class diagram

library management system class diagram

Sequence diagram

library management system sequence diagram

Collaboration diagram

library management system collaboration diagram

Statechart diagram

library management system state chart diagram

Activity diagram

library management system activity diagram

Component diagram

library management system component diagram

Deployment diagram

library management system deployment diagram

Draw Class diagram for, customer order from a retail catalog. The central class is the Order. Associated with it is the Customer making the purchase and the payment. A payment is one of three kinds: Cash, Check, or Credit. The order contains Order Details (line items), each with its associated Item.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

UNIT - 5 ( Submit Internal Assessment)

Please Share your Unit 5; Folder or File web link only, In Comment box below including your Name & URL.

Your are Suppose to write all unit 5 question answer of previous question 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 ( Old & New Course)

UNIT - 4 ( Submit Internal Assessment)

Please Share your Unit 4; Folder or File web link only, In Comment box below including your Name & URL.

Your are Suppose to write all unit 4 question answer of previous question 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 ( Old & New Course)

UNIT - 3 ( Submit Internal Assessment)

Please Share your Unit 3; Folder or File web link only, In Comment box below including your Name & URL.

Your are Suppose to write all unit 3 question answer of previous question 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 ( Old & New Course)

UNIT - 2 ( Submit Internal Assessment)

Please Share your Unit 2; Folder or File web link only, In Comment box below including your Name & URL.

Your are Suppose to write all unit 2 question answer of previous question 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 ( Old & New Course)

UNIT - 1 ( Internal Assessment)

Please Share your Unit 1; Folder or File web link only, In Comment box below including your Name & URL.

Your are Suppose to write all unit 1 question answer of previous question 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 ( Old & New Course)

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Activity diagrams may be used for different purposes during system development process. List such purposes.

A soft drink vending machine accepts coins for a variety of products. When the amount of money deposited into the machine is equal to or greater than the price of any of its available products, the respective product selection buttons will be enabled for the user to make the selection .After the user has made a valid selection, the machine wil dispense the soft drink, together with the change (if applicable). Draw the Activity Diagram for this vending machine. State clearly about assumptions and limitations you have considered during your design. 

Algorithm Name: Vending Machine

  • only dispense change in coins (5, 10, 25 cents)
  • different items could have different costs
  • users can press a button for requested item type, or to return all input money
  • there is a message window, can call "print(string)" and it will LED
  • there is a "dispense(item type)" function
  • assume that machine will reject all coins except US nickel, dime, or quarter
  • it is our responsibility to update Bal and coins[C], but the machine will keep track of available[X] for us

  • there is a counter called "Bal" that keeps track of total of coins input so far
  • cans could have different costs: cost[X]
  • available[X] is a boolean variable that indicates whether there is ³1 of X left
  • the internal reservoir of  coins is represented by coins[C] where C is 5, 10, or 25 and returns an ordinal number for how many coins of that type there are inside

  • if machine is completely out of requested choice (or all cans), user can ask for their money back
  • algorithm is guaranteed never to give back more than the balance
  • if the user just asks for their money, back we can guarantee to always make change (at  least by using the coins they input, but not necessarily)

  • it is possible that this algorithm might by unable to make change, for example, in the case where a user puts in $1.00 (4 quarters), buys an item that costs $0.90, and we have no dimes or nickels to start with


if user inputs a legal coin C (e.g. 5, 10, or 25):
  coins[C] = coins[C]+1
  Bal = Bal+C
if user presses the 'return change' button:
  Bal = 0
if user presses button for can of type X:
  if available[X]=False:
    print("unavailable, make another choice")
  else if Bal<cost(X):
    print("insufficient funds, put in more money")
    dispense(X) // machine will update available[X]
    make_change( Bal-cost(X))
    Bal = 0

subroutine make_change(Bal):
 while Bal>0:
  if Bal>25 and coins[25]>0:
    dispense quarter
    coins[25] = coins[25]-1
    Bal = Bal-25
  else if Bal>10 and coins[10]>0:
    dispense dime
    coins[10] = coins[10]-1
    Bal = Bal-10
  else if Bal>5 and coins[5]>0:
    dispense nickel
    coins[5] = coins[5]-1
    Bal = Bal-5